Sabtu, 21 Juni 2014

Steamed Egg Cake

This is old fashion Steamed Egg Cake. This is a Steamed Egg Cake usually Chinese people like to present this cake for praying.Chinese people prefer to have this cake smile broadly as this the emblem of " Bringing good fortune and luck ".

The Steamed Egg Cake come out with the surface break. The success of this Steamed Egg Cake is judged from it's surface.

Ingredients :
8 Eggs 
250 gram caster sugar 
350 gram cake flour 
180 soda drink 
1 tbsp coarse sugar,for sprinkle  

Method :
  1. Beat egg and sugar in a mixer high speed till fluffy, increase to medium high speed and continue beat till double in volume ( take about 20 mins ) till batter turned thick and pale. Change to lower speed beat for 3 minutes as to minimize the air bubbles. 
  2. Mixer at low speed,add in sifted flour and soda drink after nately, do not over mix.Remove the mixing bowl.Use a spatula and lightly stir to combine well.
  3. line parchment paper either with a normal round pan best to use a bamboo tray for better hot air circulation line the paper on the tray.Arrange and fold neatly the paper over the tray.Boil water in a big wok.Once water boiled put another steaming rack as to hold the steaming tray place the steaming tray with sponge cake on top.
  4. Pour the cake batter into prepared 8" lined bamboo tray, lightly tap on counter top to remove air bubbles.
  5. Sprinkle coarse sugar such that it forms a cross on the surface of cake batter,this is important to get a nice crack effect, and do this fast, otherwise the sugar tend to sink.
  6. Steam over high heat for about 40 minutes ( start when water is boiled ), serve after slightly cool down.

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