Rabu, 07 Mei 2014


Klepon is one of the traditional kueh in Indonesia. They are made from sweet potato, glutinous rice flour and filled with palm sugar, and then rolled in with some fresh grated coconut at out. Enjoy the burst of melted palm sugar in your mouth, when you take a bite. They are sweet and delicious. Well at this recipe, i would like used the glutinous rice flour only. However the texture will be tough and chewy.

Ingredients :

  • 250 g Glutinous rice flour
  • 220 ml water
  • 150 g palm sugar, finely chopped
  • 100 g grated coconut
  • a pinch of salt.
  • 20 pandan leaves, chopped.
  • water, to cook the Klepon

Method :

  1. Combine the pandan leaf and water in blender and blend for mixture. wrap the pandan in a cheese cloth or muslin cloth and squeeze to extract the juice or strain through a fine sieve. set aside.
  2. Combine glutinous rice flour and pandan juice. Knead to from a pasta. Continue to knead until it form a soft dough and no longer sticks to your hands. 
  3. In a plate, add a pinch of salt into freshly grated coconut and mic well. 
  4. Pull a little dough and smooth into a round ball, flatten it gently, and work into a mini bowl using your finger tips. 
  5. Stuff as much palm sugar as you can and close the mini bowl. Try to do it quick, so it won't break . 
  6. When the water is bubbling, drop your ball into the water gently. Once it floats up, it is done, so use a drainer and take up the cooked klepon. 
  7. Roll it around an the grated coconut. Let cool and serve it when cool down. 

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